Stress is the state of physical and mental pressure occurring due to an imbalance between particular demands and a person’s ability and motivation to fulfil those demands. In stressful situations, our body produces vast quantities of different chemicals, like cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline, leading to an increased heart rate and sweating.
Hypertension, weak immune system, heart diseases, gastric problems, depression, premature ageing
Stress is not an issue, but how we respond to the stressors creates the actual problem. An imbalance in three key mental activities: Dhi (learning), Dhriti (retention) and Smriti (long-term memory) and lack of ‘Ojas’ (energy) in our body; render us incapable of managing stress effectively.
At AVH, the stress management programme involves different relaxation techniques, like Sunidra and Abhyangam, to relieve your body from the stress that has accumulated over the years. It also enhances the Ojas (energy) level of the body by ensuring an appropriate hormonal balance and proper blood circulation. Since these techniques aren’t established to manage only the symptoms, they can ensure better mental health for a long time.
Additionally, these techniques can also improve an individual’s cognitive abilities and sleep patterns, besides boosting concentration.