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Restore wellness following injury, pain or disability with authentic physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in AVH is a holistic therapeutic method that focuses on identifying several health problems, offering relief from pain and enhancing the range of motion dramatically. Physical functions that are adversely impacted by injury and disability are restored via different kinds of physiotherapy interventions, along with other Ayurvedic treatments offered at our clinics.

Types of problems treated

  • Joint pains and injuries
  • Posture care
  • Sports injuries, like strain, sprain, bursitis
  • Pre-natal and post-natal care
  • Flat feet issues
  • Cerebral Palsy and Bell Palsy
  • Neurological issues, like paralysis, stroke, Parkinson’s disease etc.
  • Agility exercises
  • Balance training

And many more issues.

Who can have physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy can address both acute and chronic problems across all age groups. Physiotherapy treatments, in combination with various other Ayurvedic treatments, offer people a speedy recovery.

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